Fifty Years Ago .... from the pages of Computer Weekly

Fifty Years Ago .... from the pages of Computer Weekly

Progress towards a PoS code system: The development of a Standard Product Numbering System, SPNS, by the UK grocery trade has taken another step forward with the decision by the SPNS steering group, set up by the Institute of Grocery Distribution, to follow the recommendations of the report into the feasibility of SPNS published last October. The report, produced (…)

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Fifty Years Ago .... from the pages of Computer Weekly

Fifty Years Ago .... from the pages of Computer Weekly

Thermal printer from DACE: A compact thermal printer aimed at the communications terminal, programmable calculator, process control and automatic test system markets has been announced by DACE, part of the Muirhead group of companies. Known as Dataprint, the new thermal printer costs £198 for a single unit with discounts available for OEM quantities (...)

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Fifty Years Ago .... from the pages of Computer Weekly

Fifty Years Ago .... from the pages of Computer Weekly

TV data service nearer: An up-to-the-minute news and information service, based on the Oracle data transmission system using modified domestic television receivers, is planned by the Independent Broadcasting Authority. And the Home Secretary has now approved the introduction of both Oracle and the BBC’s Ceefax system for a two-year experimental period. (...)

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